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    My concentration focuses on people in their environments. I chose this topic because I wanted to explore the many different aspects of where I reside and the people that surround me.  The opacity of the images and the motion created through different compositional techniques add to the mood of the photographs and convey the emotions of youthful disillusionment in an urban setting.

   I began to observe my surroundings in the neighborhood I grew up in and yearned to explore and set out to see the things I had allowed to go by unnoticed.  I explored different angles and focal points within the same picture.  Images 3, 4, 7, and 11 all are diptychs and triptychs of common settings with varying points of view, telling the story of how when you look at a bigger image there are smaller parts which play into the overall perception of a scene.  This also came into play through my use of transparency overlays (i.e. images 2,6, and 12) where different aspects of a setting come together to form a story about my neighborhood as a whole.  This formation is further explored through the use of motion which predominately is displayed through blurred images, fading, and brightness (i.e. images 1, 2, and 10) along with my grid work in image 5 that convey the feeling of restlessness and an ever-changing environment.




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